How to Use fundamental law in a Sentence
fundamental law
But now humans seem to have broken this fundamental law of the ocean.
—Matt Reynolds, Wired, 23 Nov. 2021
Researchers have proven that a fundamental law of physics applies in the quantum realm.
—Jackie Appel, Popular Mechanics, 10 June 2023
So a bunch of physicists who claimed to have found a fundamental law of memory recall was catnip to me.
—Chris Lee, Ars Technica, 24 Jan. 2020
Irony and flux are fundamental laws of the theatrical universe.
—Los Angeles Times, 7 Apr. 2020
Did nature have any choice in picking its fundamental laws?
—Quanta Magazine, 4 June 2018
In addition to searching the galaxy for life, the GMT will allow astronomers to study the most ancient eons of the universe, probing the firmament to test our fundamental laws of physics.
—Jay Bennett, Popular Mechanics, 14 Feb. 2018
But the fundamental laws defining employees are set by states.
—Ed Kilgore, Daily Intelligencer, 1 May 2018
In California, cannabis entrepreneurs are trying to refute one of the fundamental laws of chemistry: that oil and water don’t mix.
—Taylor Kate Brown,, 3 Jan. 2020
High-energy physics, with its fundamental laws, is a lot simpler.
—Charlie Wood, Quanta Magazine, 25 May 2023
That diurnal cycle is linked to the giant impact by a fundamental law of physics, the conservation of angular momentum.
—Simon J. Lock, Scientific American, 2 July 2019
Perhaps there is a radical new framework uniting the fundamental laws of nature that disregards all the familiar concepts.
—Quanta Magazine, 4 June 2018
The second reason is a fundamental law of thermodynamics: With each degree the air warms, its ability to hold moisture increases by about 4 percent.
—Laura López González, The New Republic, 25 July 2023
Reductionism maintains that everything can be reduced to a few fundamental laws describing the particles that are the basic constituents of matter.
—Scott Veale, New York Times, 30 Mar. 2020
And as researchers try to formulate more fundamental laws, the little t evaporates altogether.
—George Musser, Scientific American, 19 Jan. 2012
This odd connection between the two particles is instantaneous, seemingly breaking a fundamental law of the universe.
—Andreas Muller-University Of South Florida, Discover Magazine, 19 Oct. 2022
In Homer, hospitality is a sacred responsibility, a fundamental law of Zeus, the protector of strangers.
—Los Angeles Times, 9 Sep. 2021
Scientists assume that mathematical relationships and the fundamental laws of physics apply everywhere in the universe, and Lomberg looks for the artistic equivalent of these universal truths.
—Corinne Purtill, Los Angeles Times, 26 July 2023
What is that other than an admission that his colleagues had behaved politically, making up instead of interpreting the nation’s fundamental law?
—Carson Holloway, National Review, 20 June 2019
Was some universal principle playing out in the polariton condensate, some fundamental law about systems where energy isn’t conserved?
—Quanta Magazine, 11 Nov. 2021
Wu's contributions to nuclear physics include her noteworthy Wu Experiment, which helped disprove a fundamental law of parity.
—NBC News, 7 Dec. 2020
However inflamed the politics become, citizens can use the hearings to educate themselves about how liberal and conservative justices, at their best, reason together about American history and fundamental law.
—Jeffrey Rosen, WSJ, 13 July 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'fundamental law.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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